So many sheep anthropoids… This took so long. I could have done a six panel instead! Ah well.

Kitty seems to have stumbled upon the answer to one of our more recent Great Questions. Yeah, I know the joke has been done, and likely done better. Still, I liked the idea of this one, and I think there’s a little more going on here than just the punchline. If nothing else, we get a little glimpse into Kitty’s subconscious… What do you see?

As much trouble as it was drawing all these different characters (or are they all just Kitty since it’s in her head?) I did like trying to make a variety of different body styles for these sheep. Yeah, this one is a bit more NSFW than most of Hey Fox, but really, it’s in Kitty’s head. It didn’t seem to fit otherwise. I also had a lot of fun burying a couple of details that, I think, tell a little more story.