You know, for really just meeting these two Pixi really is spilling some tea.

There’s an old bit that I’m dusting off here that boils down to the three F’s of engagement. Something that I landed on trying to explain how people can act towards people that they like/are attracted to, where they can land in conflict as much as service. In short it’s that sometimes people don’t even realize that they are attracted to somebody and they end up mashing all that emotion into one of the three F’s of engagement. Fuck, Fight, or Feed.

Look, it’s a clumsy metaphor, it describes a lot of Fox’s behavior. He’s not one for fights, so if he feels much for somebody he either wants to have sex with them, or take care of them. (Or, you know, both… but when choices are limited…)

I’m actually really happy with how Pixi turned out in this one, particularly the gesture she’s making. I don’t know why, but it just came out better than I expected. ^.^